Sunday, July 25, 2010

I'm on a bike!

Great Saturday morning bike ride last week. Met up with Anne and Gundy who rode across country to raise awareness for Brain Cancer. It was very powerful and inspiring. Many riders came out for the parade route from Hains Point to the Capitol Reflecting Pool. Anne is a brain cancer survivor like myself. There were several other cancer survivors present and riding including BethAnn, a local traithlete. We had a police escort leading us through the streets of DC. Rode right through red lights! Felt like the President! Marcie and the girls were there to meet us. What a great cheering squad.
The speeches and guests were extremely powerful and moving. They are planning an event next year. Can't wait to take part in it.

BTW: My biking mileage is up over 30+ miles. Now I am adding hillwork. Yippee! Swimming is up also. Chemo is still there, finished another week.

More info:
BethAnn's group: TeamBT
Jeff Schanz (a very energetic cancer survivor) is big part of the Race for Hope

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

2000 yards in the pool today!

Planned to swim a mile (36 laps). Not sure of lap count so I went to 37 to be sure. But then I figured might as well end at a round number. 40 laps. Felt great. Longest swim in a long, long time.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Brains on Bikes:Cycling Across America
Anne, a brain cancer survivor, and her friend Gundy are riding across America to raise awareness about Brain Cancer. They finish their ride on the National Mall in DC next Saturday, July 17th. The G-M family will be there to show our support. My bike is ready!
DC Finale details