Thursday, September 24, 2009

Good to be home.

Came home yesterday!
Feeling really good today. I am wearing a bandanna to cover the missing hair on the left side and the 29 clips holding the scalp incision together. I am finding that reading and speaking was a little difficult as I sometimes miss a word or two. Every so often I close my eyes and let my brain reboot a little bit. Each day I am getting better.
The girls are very happy to see me. Marcie is thrilled to have me home. (It would be great if her friends took her out for a wine to celebrate ;-) )


  1. rest, rest, and let those neurons grow. Love to all of you, Kate

  2. Great news, Jim! We will keep the prayers coming!
    Ann (Koebel) Miller

  3. Hello! I m Keith and Ceci s friend and I can tell you that we have all been praying for you in different parts of the world! They have a world wide web of friends! Singapore, Mexico, Ukraine, Brasil, US... some examples. Great for you to be back home! Keep on the good thoughts :) Selene
