Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Adios crutches

The orthopedic surgeon took off Jim's splint today, and removed the 10 staples holding together the incision from the achilles repair two weeks ago. (For those keeping count, that's nearly 40 staples that had been holding Jim together this past week!) The doctor was extremely pleased with Jim's recovery so far, and impressed by his range of motion. He gave Jim a removable walking boot (looks like a ski boot) with a 4" high wedge insert to help support the repair as it continues to heal. It's a bit awkward to walk with one heel so much higher than the other, but Jim's thrilled to be free of the crutches, and the girls think the boot looks "cool." We'll follow up in another 3 weeks, at which time they plan to remove the wedge, and begin physical therapy.

Jim is feeling great a week after the brain surgery. He is eager to return to presurgery activity levels. It's probably a blessing for his brain recovery that his achilles has forced him to rest a bit this week.

I think he may indeed have super healing powers.

1 comment:

  1. Jim, I think it's time for your first pair of Jimmy Choos...or maybe Laboutins. I don't know what you're going to do with the second shoe, but maybe the girls could use it as a Barbie boat.
    We are amazed by your wonderful recovery and by the positive attitude your whole family shares every day.
