Thursday, November 11, 2010

Where did that month go?

It is amazing how fast that month went by since my last post. In a nutshell, I am great. Had an MRI on November 1 with the follow up on November 5. It looked good! Still a dark spot but it appears to have shrunk a little. So I will continue with the Chemo (Temodar) every four weeks. Of course, this week is a chemo week! Brilliantly, I scheduled a day long, outdoor field trip with my eighth graders this week and parent conferences at the end of the week and grades were due...
gotta go. Dinner at Wegman's!


  1. Hi Jim,
    Just wrote a long comment but lost it all as can't send properly - not sure how to comment - anyway - wondering if you can share your diagnosis with me in terms of what type of brain tumor - im assuming its a glioma of sorts - grade 2 upwards??? I have a grade 2 oligoastrocytoma and am just interested. found ou on BT buddies. Love your energy for life and optimism, keep it up. I was diagnosed April 2009 - had 2 surgeries last OCt 2009 and ran my first 2 half marathons ever in April and July this year. Take care - you are an inspiration.

  2. Hi Sarah,
    Great to meet you. Thanks for sharing the video of your surgery. I have only vague memories of the period I was awake during my surgery. The video helps me picture the scene in my OR.

    My diagnosis: Anaplastic Astrocytoma Grade II-III. We really liked the way my doc explained it to me. From strict definition of the grading, yes, it is grade III but it is acting more like a II.

    The oncologist told me today I can stay on chemo for an additional six months because I am responding to and tolerating the temodar so well. Yeah me!
    So I rewarded myself (Or my wife rewarded me) with a great new bicycle!

    Keep in touch.
