Oncologist appointment
Orthopedist appointment
2 Physical Therapy appointments (for achilles tendon)
One blood draw
H1N1 shot
Good news: No more "boot" for my right achilles tendon. It is strong enough to wear normal shoes. The doctor also said in Marcie's presence that I am permitted to return to riding my bike outside! No running for three months though (not a big loss).
More good news: Weekly blood tests show red blood cell count is normal (meaning that the chemo is not throwing my system out of whack) . Oncologist says don't come back to see him until just before Christmas. Orthopedist says just don't come back to see him at all (unless I hurt myself again.)
More good news: hair is still holding on to my head for dear life. Actually felt better this week than last. Last week I was very drowsy every afternoon. We are now chalking it up to the earlier sunset after daylight savings time.
Bad news: Took the girls for flu shots. Let's just say it was not a quiet session with the nurse.
Hi Jim.. see you are doing pretty well, lots of good news it is always encouraging!! your halloween pictures are great.. lovely family!! love from the Bremners from Tokyo