Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day!

Visiting family in St. Louis. Wonderful time. Enjoying my fifth Christmas since dx and craniotomy. Enjoyed a good run tonight to work off some of the holiday goodies.

One of the favorite gifts I received is a 6-pack of Black Butte Porter from Deschutes, Oregon. Oh, how I miss Oregon brews.  Cheers to all!

Hope all the brain cancer fighters and their families and supporters have a great 2014!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Happy December!

Hey all,
I am doing just dandy. A snow day tomorrow will be even better. It has been a ridiculously long time since my last post. Basically, no news is good news from my last MRI in October.

They pushed my next MRI back by a month, every four months instead of three months. I have to check my calendar. I think next one is in January.

I have a beard now. It's very hipster.

If you are doing the Spartan 30 burpees a day for 30 days, don't miss days. Doing 150 burpees in one session is not fun. I add penalties for missed days. I needed to do 150 so I did 190 instead. Aroo!

Speaking of Spartan Races, I watched the Spartan championships on NBC Sports yesterday.
There was an athlete, Ivar Leon, who raced. He is also fighting brain cancer and is a top athlete, winning marathons. Awesome story, awesome guy.
Spartan video:

Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Team G-M triathletes!

Whew...busy summer. Only a couple weeks of rest before school starts.

Who am I kidding? Team G-M does not rest. We just got back from Michigan and Ohio. Marcie, Carrie, Amara and Genet competed in their first triathlon. I was so happy to see them compete. I was really excited to watch them as I was always the racer in the past.  My cancer did not keep me from competing. I freely made a choice to watch because I wanted to see them cross the finish line. Tears were in my eyes when they did.

I am not sure if I will do a tri this fall. I definitely will be doing a few cyclocross races though.

Home Gym

Being a cancer fighter is not easy. It is very stressful to say the least. I have said it before that a kick-butt workout releases much of that stress. We have finally put together our home gym to release that stress.  We have a great treadmill that all of us have been using. I wanted and got a weight rack and set from Rogue Fitness. It is awesome. The stress is flying out the window and hopefully a few pounds, too.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 2013 Scan: Stable!

Stable Stable Stable! We will go back to NIH in three months. If it is still stable, they will put me on a four month schedule.

I am about to find a new neurologist though. The current Neuro doc has been so passive. Never has a clear answer or a direction he wants me to take. "Well, what do you want to do?"  was his common response.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Second post of the day

Since I am just laying in bed with this gimpy knee, I watched a movie, "Crazy, Sexy Cancer".
It follows actress Kris Carr and her journey with a rare, incurable cancer. It is very upbeat and a well done production. I recommend it highly. She is still thriving since her dx 10 years ago. She comes across as the type of person you would want at your side while fighting cancer. She has written several books on cancer-fighting diets. I don't know about wheat grass juice and other plants diet but it looks like it has helped her.
I do need more veggies though.


It is available through Netflix on DVD. I watched it online but can't remember where. Not on Youtube.

Irony is funny

I got an awesome new weight set from Rogue Fitness. It came in many boxes. All heavy. We also got a new treadmill in an extremely heavy box. I had been excitedly waiting for their arrival. They finally did arrive but I had to wait a couple of days to put them together because of work.

Somehow in the moving of the boxes into the house, I believe I popped a bursa sac in my right knee. It is Tuesday. I have been laid up since Friday night when my knee swelled up like a grapefruit. It is getting better but I haven't been to work or a workout. I can hear the equipment and the bikes calling from the basement, "Come use us. Get stronger. Get fitter."


I did search online for workouts to do with an immobile leg so I have been able to move and take care of the stiff back I get from laying around. Actually, it has not been so bad. I did get to chill some. I realized this is what regular people do. They rest. Resting does get boring though.

Monday, June 3, 2013

June already?

Hi all,

Doing well as always. The biggest stress right now is the end of the school year. We still have two weeks before school is done and then we teachers can relax and start our summer jobs.

The swim club is open. Aborted my swim after 10 laps on opening day. Water was too darn cold. It took me two hours to warm up afterwards. The next week I swam 1000m no problem. I look forward to summer lap swimming. 45 minutes in the water with just the sound of bubbles rushing by. It's my time of mindfulness and clarity.

The girls are getting too big to throw and flip around in the pool. I will do my best before they break me.

I am waiting patiently for this to arrive to put in the basement. Sometimes with cancer you want to crush something. I am going to channel this feeling toward more fitness.